Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Whoosh Effect

A/N: The title of this post is dedicated to the millions (yeah, right) who sacrificed their lives in the endless pursuit of the art of perfect prop work. R.I.P.

We run this. We run this. We run this.


This is probably the first time in the history of this blog that there is a lyric from a hiphop song.
Blame it on street dance. Three days later and I've still got Missy freaking Elliot stuck in my head.
I've said it before; Malhar will do strange things to you.

And so it has finally come to an end. I know this because the people involved are now able to see things clearly without a thick haze of sleep and/or tension overpowering their tired brains.
I'm still trying to figure out, if or not this is a positive thing.

The thing about having so much clarity, is that it leaves you alot of time to think generally and ponder in particular.
And a thing like Malhar leaves much to ponder about.
Which is also currently under the scanner over it's positivity.

Malhar can be best described as an all consuming entity that eats away into every particle of every aspect of your otherwise dreary life. Which is exactly what it did.
It is fortunate for people like me, who have no other social life, but I bask in endless pity for those that do, and had Malhar defenestrate it.

Now this post is beginning to sound like an essay.

Insomnia and exhaustion do not make for a good combination.

My limited syntax does not allow me to express exactly what I feel about what transpired over the last few days. Nor does decency; the language threatens to spill over to the unacceptable if I start about the fair-unfair bit.

They won? Yes.
We lost? Hell no.

Go Jai Hind. :D
And go K-Scope. xD

Special mentions: Namasvi and Parizad. My wonderful, tireless (*cough*) LA people. 2 events is still not THAT bad. Look at it this way, we placed in everything that we qualified in. *Lightning bolt called Word Games strikes*.
... *ahem*.

Yeah, bye.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:27 AM  
Blogger Not yet there. said...

DIE &*%$ DIE!


7:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is d mlhar shit finaly ovr? thnk god.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malhar is the Xaviers college festival right?
Nice post. :)

6:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. (l)

5:25 AM  

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