Thursday, September 25, 2008

Brandon Boyd is ridiculously appealing.

He is!

I have decided to put to rest rumours about my apparent death by typing off one of those inconsequential, meaningless blog entries about my inconsequential, meaningless life. I hope this assuages all your fears, especially whoever it is that has been mailing every alternate day to enquire about my health?!

I'm flattered and everything, but really, guardedsk8r144, it's suffocating.

So.. hi.

Well, my exams are approaching (yet again) and I haven't opened my books (yet again).
I'm actually terrified I might flunk something.

Like Hindi, for example. Which, apparently, has progressed so quickly, that I have been left far, far behind with my half baked knowledge of bloody French.

Or maybe I'm just dull, so I forget stuff fast.

Case in point: national languages.

The good thing about study leave, though, is that it leaves you with a sudden, unexpected sort of freedom to do whatever you like - i.e. if you manage to mute that obscenely annoying voice at the back of your head which keeps reminding you of idiotic things like responsibility towards education, etc.

The bad thing is, in my case, that freedom translates to plenty of contemplation time.

And this week's theme for consideration has been rather sleep - snatching and overall misery inducing.

Which brings me to another point.

It seems that the days of simplicity have long kicked the bucket.

It’s almost as if things have to appear convoluted and difficult to understand to pique our erratic interest – Like if it isn’t worth complaining about, it isn’t worth dealing with or something.


Have we become so cynical and contemptuous of contentment that we purposely clutter our lives, just so that we have something to carp about?

Is it merely boredom that is leading us into this quagmire of endless self created, frivolous complexities?

Or could it possibly be that the idea of cynicism itself has been so greatly romanticized over the years that with every step traversed, we find ourselves curbing our optimism for fear of becoming outdated?

Somewhere in between misanthropes and romantics, is firmly lodged the mother of all identity crises – the faction of the ‘Neo – Cynic’.

Ever tried walking in the dark?


Neither have I, but I imagine that this is close to what that must feel like.

I also think that perhaps it is time to stop the sardonic whining and actually open up a text book.
It keeps slipping my mind that they weren’t purchased merely for their ornamental significance.

Or maybe I should just try to get some sleep, it's almost 1 am.

Good grief, I've become one of those people who spouts on openly about their lives in public.
What next?
Gossip Girl references?




Anonymous Anonymous said...

neo - cynic is an interesting term. and so is this entry.
i couldnt agree more about the romanticization. i think it could be that we just need to get over our selves and grow up.
or maybe stop watching so much one tree hill. :)

11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tht was... dffrnt.
good tho. i like it.

4:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa. Whatta rant.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Souljacker said...


8:47 AM  
Blogger Negative Creep said...

LOL. i don't watch gossip girls, and don't underestimate the cynicism. It's not a Prada coat that we put on to be cool, it's something we grow into. When there's nothing left to be excited about, and when you can see the insanity, savagery and injustice of what we call civil society, cynicism is the natural response, nay, the only response.

2:34 AM  
Blogger Souljacker said...

Right you are, but how many people do you think actually have actually realised what stuffy, pretentious crap society is? How many of them possess the required intellect to appreciate the, as you put it, savagery and injustice of 'civil' society?
I don't disagree with the developed cynicsm; just the kind that has come about without any rational thought to guide it.

2:48 AM  
Blogger Negative Creep said...

Haha, there's always trend whores, and there will always be trend whores. Isn't that one of the reasons we're cynical anyway, because of the sheep and the mindless copy cats and numbskulls we are forced to share this planet with? Pointing it out to them is useless, really, they've read wikipedia and a couple of links on google, so they really KNOW what they're talking about, they've lived the life, they're not poseurs and how dare you point it out?

Sometimes, i think Nuclear Armageddon is the only way to save this planet. But no, i like to live. I will live in the counterculture, on the fringe, i will work in the mainstream but believe in the alternatives. What else is there to do?

11:44 PM  

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