Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Stinging cold mixes with the warmth of her skin and she gazes sleepily into the light
The alcohol feels nice this morning, she thinks, her senses dulled not slightly by the sleepless night behind her
Her legs curl up underneath her, as she sits cat-like sipping the intoxication from her glass
She glances down at it and laughs
It’s like drinking gold, she thinks
She swirls it around and her watch falls on the road again, expectantly
Finally the sun rises over the horizon and with it the people descend from the hillside beneath which she sits
They avoid looking at her like they always have.
She laughs out loud at them, pointing at how foolish they are.
She knows how they think and she laughs harder
They think life has passed her by
Ha! What do they know? I'm not crazy.
She turns her gaze on the road once again.
She ignores the blade concealed within her clothes once more.
Not today she thinks
One more day, I’ll wait
But tomorrow… tomorrow…
She giggles.

And swirling the Rapunzilian liquid once more she breathes in the air and waits..


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