Eighteen when I die.
31. 05. 2006
"Do you realise we have two years to go before we'll be adults?"
"Do you realise what that means?"
"That you have something else inconsequential to panic about."
"Oh Ha Ha. This is not a time for jokes. We are wasting valuable minutes of our childhood, lounging around here trying to be smart."
"Is that what we're doing? I thought we were trying to figure out exactly what the matter is with my parents."
"That's work for professionals with degrees. We're a couple of sixteen year olds. We should be dancing, we should be singing, we should be .. frolicking in the sun."
"I don't know about me, but I've never known you to be much of a .. frolicker."
"Well, then I should be. I should frolic more. In the sun, rain and er.. other weathers."
"What exactly will that achieve? All this, uhm, frolicking?"
"It will signify that I am doing what people my age should be doing."
"Which is frolicking."
"Yes, exactly."
"I've never known any sixteen year olds to frolic."
"Well, then, then, um, then you don't know the right sort of people!"
"There's an epiphany if I ever heard one."
"Stop trying to sound like me and dampen my spirits. I am young, I am healthy, I should be.. DOING something."
"Like frolicking."
"Yes. Like that."
"Well, good luck with it."
"Thank you."
"You're still here."
"Well, give me a minute."
"How exactly do you plan to go about this frolicking?"
"I'm not too sure.. What do people do exactly, when they .. frolic?"
"I think it involves some sort of tribal dance around a fire."
"Shutup. Hmmm. Oxford defines it as a gay, carefree time."
"Do you have any particular worries at the moment?"
"No, not really. No."
"Are you gay?"
"You're staring at me, so I guess that rules it out. Well, you're half there, anyway."
"So I'm semi-frolicking."
"Yes, you could say that."
"That'll work."
"Good enough, then."
"This doesn't FEEL like frolicking."
"Maybe you're too old to be sixteen then."
"That's a horrible thing to say."
"The pressures of being an overgrown bat of a sixteen year old, eh."
"More so than being an narcissistic, mirror obsessed sixteen year old with a mixed accent."
"I am rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you."
"Shut up. Sigh. I wish we weren't so grown up. Then we could frolic in the sun."
"Is it just me or is 'frolicking' beginning to sound vaguely perverted to you?"
"Why don't you go find a hole to crawl into and die?"
"Why don't YOU find Shaquille O Neal and tell him you have his clothes?"
"I know you are but what am I?"
"Shut up. You know I have a horrible feeling we're going to be exactly the same next year."
"Unable to frolick and generally bored to tears?"
"Yes. Something like that."
"It's okay. When you're eighteen, we'll have a big party and hang up banners that scream 'FROLICKER'"
"Yeah but without party hats."
"Yeah. We'll be all grown up then."
"Sigh. It's still a long way off, right?"
"Right. Don't worry. Plenty of frolicking time."
"Yes. Plenty of frolicking time."