Sunday, March 11, 2007


I just realised it's very high time I hit the books
I mean, apparently, people have begun revision and stuff
I don't know the portion, yet
My exams are in..
one.. two.. three.. four.. five.. six.. seven.. eight..
I don't know why I said that, I think I'm going crazy
No I'm not
Yes I am
No I'm not
Yes I am
Okay yeah I probably am..


Reasons why my life resembles The OC
- Constantly surrounded by unneeded, self-created drama
- The place I study (*cough*) is filled with anorexic bitches like Marissa Cooper
- I don't like it very much
- I seem to find the time to do everything but actually pay attention to academics
- Adam Brody loves me
- No, really
- Okay, maybe he doesn't
- Except that he does
- Sigh
- It comes with it's own soundtrack
- It makes no sense, and I don't understand why other people find it so fascinating
- I know a Ryan
- People find the Ryan I know hot
- Very. Hot.
- They're both kind of gay
- *Dodges slipper* Okay, Ryan is not gay
- Doesn't the guy who plays Ryan in The OC resemble a hobbit?
- Oh, but hobbits are cute
- And a little dangerous
- I think I might crack up and die if Ryan from The OC tried to hit me
- People only ever pay attention when they're bored
- I'm bored now
- Bye

If that isn't testament enough to how exciting and action-packed my life is, then you should probably make lists like that, too

Boys are stupid
They are, it's true
If you don't believe me
You're probably one, too!

-Stop chucking those rotten tomatoes at me, you bastards!-

I think that's a signal for me to leave.

That's it, I'm out.




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